Aug 21, 2013
Hospice Cards Enable You to Share From the Heart During Someone’s Final Days

Two things in life are considered inevitable, death and taxes. Some 56 million people die each year according to the World Health Organization. Yet nobody wants to talk about it. And then suddenly someone you know is given a terminal diagnosis. Now what? Does the conversation get any easier? Do you now know what to say because it’s someone you love? Or is it in fact harder, because of all the emotions involved?

Research has shown that dying people are often ostracized from society, even avoided by close friends and family. The reasons people have difficulty interacting with someone who is dying are many, varying from not wanting to face their own mortality, to not having the emotional reserves to deal with such an intense situation, to feeling guilt over whether they could have done something to prevent this from happening. The bottom line is this … when someone is having a difficult time interacting with a dying person, it often manifests as avoidance. Leaving the loved one feeling lost and alone.

The question becomes, how do we bridge that gap, and create a closer, more loving environment during someone’s final days? How do we open the lines of communication, allowing for a deeper connection and heartfelt sharing during these last precious moments of someone’s life?

Spiritual Life Coach and Visionary Artist, Lori Daniel Falk, tells us “We need to help people find the words that will help them jump start an open, honest conversation that reveals what is in their hearts.” She explains, “This is the impetus behind our new Wisdom of the Heart Greeting Card line. We created them to be a conversation starter if you will, enabling people to find comfort in knowing what to say.”

Falk was divinely guided to create this new line of cards after listening to an ABC news story* in which a woman who is a widow was petitioning Hallmark to create a line of Hospice Cards. After listening to the story, she woke up one day and said, “If not me, who? If not now, when?” With a degree in Spiritual Psychology, and a career as a spiritual life coach and artist, both of which have her dealing with people’s emotions everyday, she knew this was a divine decree. “Plus,” she adds, “I’ve experienced my fair share of loss over the years as well. I’ve been ‘on the front line’ with this one myself. I know how challenging it can be, and the biggest problem each time was wondering what to say.”

The cards address such topics as finding inner peace during this tumultuous time; reminding someone that they have been “the light of your world”; sharing how difficult this is for you, as well as them; assuring the dying that their spirit shall live on forevermore; and simply thanking them for sharing their precious life with you. The messages are heartfelt and poignant, designed to not only deliver a message of love to the dying, but to be the stimulus truly meaningful conversations.

The art used for these greeting cards is special in and of itself. It is part of Falk’s line of Angelic Message Portraits™. These magical portraits contain the healing energy of the angels. Falk has been gifted with a new artistic healing modality that enables her to communicate with, and share, the wisdom of the angels in both pictures and words. Her art has been so well received it has found homes in over twenty countries around the world and has graced the covers of numerous magazines.

Prior to embarking on this spiritual journey, Ms. Falk was the editor and publisher of the international trade publication RTW Review (Ready-to-Wear Review) providing retailers with the fashion industry’s pertinent monthly news. Utilizing her years of experience as a fashion buyer and retail manager, as well as her expertise in sighting emerging trends, she was often referred to as the “go to” person in the retail fashion industry. It is her firm belief that Hospice Greeting Cards is a theme whose time has come.

Wholesale Pricing Available

If you have a gift shop or card store and are interested in placing a Wholesale Order … please contact the Angels at 262.347.0797 or via email at

For more information…

If you’d like more information about this topic please visit the company’s website at or call (262) 347-0797. To schedule an interview with Ms. Falk, please contact our Public Relations Assistant, Debbie Klineschmidt


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