Peer Perspective: Tal Dekkers & Shani Feldman

Tal Dekkers & Shani Feldman

Sisters, co-founders and designers, Compoco

How did you decide owning a business was for you? We always had a passion for a brand of our own; both of us are design school graduates and worked at various design studios, but (we) always wanted to have products of our own. We get the most thrill by people reacting to our products with passion just like when we first came up with it.

Tell us a little about your style: We try to make our products dreamy with lots of meticulous cosmic details, we are very thorough both with the design and what we demand from ourselves during work — which manifests itself in a final outcome that is nothing short than amazing!

What products did you showcase at shows this year?  We created nine different collections! Which include enamel pins, button pins, hard and soft cover notebooks, stickers, bookmarks, notepads, patches, greeting cards and keychains.

We also have a dedicated collection for LGBT products that includes pins, patches and greeting cards.

What’s the biggest influence for your line? Every collection starts with a concept and a message, most of them draw inspiration from space and experiences we had.

We put our emphasis on bringing out of the box thinking to the things we create, and approach them from a new angle, most of the ideas for the new collections came from our enamel pins. Starting a whole collection from a small pin was a hard and daunting task, but eventually the first one led us all the way.

Favorite band? We have different musical taste but we can agree on Lukas Graham.

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Calling all foodies! 🍟 nora fleming launched two new minis to its collection: the "happy fry-day! mini" and "slice, slice, baby! mini." Check out the new product debuts here: ... See MoreSee Less
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