Peace Together Card from Joylark Studio

Gift Shop Plus Spring 2021
Joylark Studio By Debbie Eisele

A company that believes every handwritten card and gift should foster the treasure of human connection

Words, special sentiments and letting others know they are cared for are important, and Joylark Studio offers greeting cards that do just that! Jessica Baskin, founder and designer of Joylark Studio, shares how this company is also giving-back some of its merchandise sales.

BrightHeart on VBF Day of Awareness
Jessica Baskin and her daughter supporting showing their BrightHeart Vascular Birthmarks Foundation Day of Awareness.

What is your mission?

Joylark Studio is a chirpy stationery line made to help warm hearts without taking ourselves too seriously along the way. I love that every handwritten card and thoughtful gift we give one another fosters the treasure of human connection. On top of spreading a little more joy and also being eco-friendly, I really wanted my products to simply do more good. A few Joylark cards and prints donate to the SPCAI, the Vascular Birthmarks Foundation, and the Conscious Kid Anti-Racist Children’s Books Education Fund. It’s a small way for me to create art that helps serve a higher purpose. It’s also a pretty great feeling to combine forces with my customers to support these organizations together.

I landed on these three charities organically based on life events: SPCAI, Vascular Birthmarks Foundation and Anti- Racist Children’s Books Education Fund.

How do your products serve the mission?

I hope that my products help raise awareness about each of these three charities, while also comforting those receiving these cards and prints who may have a direct connection to their charities’ purposes.

Doggie Heaven Sympathy Card

20% of the purchase price of each card to the SPCAI.

Doggie Heaven Card from Joylark Studio offers a give-back opportunity to the SPCA

Bright Heart Card

20% of the purchase price of each card is donated to the Vascular Birthmarks Foundation.

BrightHeart VBF Day of Awareness Card from Joylark Studio

Peace Together Art Print

100% of profits from each art print is donated to the Anti-Racist Children’s Books Education Fund.

Peace Together Card from Joylark Studio

What are the plans for the future?

I plan to continue making and selling these three items and supporting their respective charities as long as possible! I want to use my art and voice in ways that can positively impact others, and believe even the smallest amounts of help can add up and multiply when we all band together.

How can retailers get involved?

Every time a retailer purchases one of these three products, they’re helping me donate to and support the correlating charities, and I appreciate that so much. All of my donating products have verbiage about the donations either on the back of the cards, or on the art print labels, so retailers are also spreading awareness to their customers.

If retailers wanted to get even more involved and are capable, they can also choose to match the donations with their own sales to these three charities. That’s not something I ask, but would be amazing!

Is there any additional information retailers should know?

You can follow along with me on Instagram @joylarkstudio to continue learning more about how I support these charities, and anything new!

Debbie Eisele

Debbie Eisele is the former managing editor for Gift Shop Plus, Stationery Trends and a variety of special issue publications, including: The Guide, Holiday Shop, Celebrations & Occasions and Waterfront Living.

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