Charms for Charity from Wind & Fire
Lance Fiasconaro, Brand Manager |
What is your mission?
To enhance the lives of children with special needs. We believe all children have something special to contribute and we want to play a part in helping them realize their value to us all.
How do your products serve the mission?
Wind & Fire takes a proactive approach to supporting worthwhile causes and topmost are those which benefit children in need. Because of that, Wind & Fire Jewelry presents Charms for Charity, a portion of proceeds from which support select nonprofit groups that help children with disabilities. Children represent our future, and there is no better way to support them than through the charitable outreaches that service them and their communities.
What are the plans for the future?
We launched a new campaign called UNITY following the COVID-19 crisis. Retailers are asked to select a charity in their communities to benefit from the sale of our new UNITY collection. We provide customized marketing materials and offer jewelry at a subsidized cost as our contribution. A special assortment of jewelry for First Responders is also available and many dealers are donating those items as well.
How can retailers get involved?
Complimentary marketing materials are available for all new and existing Wind & Fire Retailers. To learn more, call 1-800-431-1606.