Spring 2009
Five Steps to Fab!

Patti Harbin is the owner of In-Courage in San Antonio, TX. She also serves on GIFT SHOP’s advisory board. Visual merchandiser, Ron Winstead, helps Harbin with her displays. Winstead has had experience doing visual merchandising for large retailers like Neiman Marcus.

Below are five display ideas… click each inspiration to view.

Inspiration 1Inspiration 2Inspiration 3Inspiration 4Inspiration 5

This pretty little display unit was bought for a mere $75 from a business closing sale. Like us, you can choose to keep the unit’s color neutral so it can be re-purposed for displays all year round.

marketing image

Editor’s Note: If it is a touch too late to work this Easter display into your store, you can still borrow on the principles to create displays all year long. Incidentally, Patti saw Ron shopping at her store once, struck up a conversation with him and found out his visual merchandising skills were hers to work with for the store. Here’s another perfect reason why it’s a good idea to make time to “know your customers.”

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