Editor’s Letter
A strong winter show season has the gift industry inspired for the year ahead. Spring is blossoming into a hopefulness we all look forward to. Pantone’s latest color of the year, Greenery, symbolizes our need...
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Where does a dream begin? It starts out small, like a little nagging thought that won’t go away. And the more you think about it, the more excited and happy you get. You get brave...
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Welcome to our Fall issue. We’re excited to introduce you to some pretty extraordinary retailers and makers. They all happen to be women — a coincidence, but something to celebrate, none-the-less. Making, selling, promoting —...
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Looking inside oneself is never easy. We are often our own worst critics. Why is this? Maybe we all hold ourselves to impossibly high standards. Learning to let go is much easier said than done....
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Welcome to the new and improved Gift Shop community — I mean magazine. But really it’s the same thing. This may look like a printed magazine, but today it is so much more. Across all...
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The best part of going on a vacation is seeing new places, having new experiences and meeting new people. Even if you live in the most magical place on earth, it’s good to get away...
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I love this quote from Maya Angelou, and it sums up this issue — and this industry — perfectly. The retailers we serve with this magazine have such a passion for their stores and their...
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As we spring forward, it’s a great time for spring-cleaning and goal setting. What are your goals for the year? Whether it is increasing business, raising awareness, rebranding...
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Leverage the power of Small Business Saturday to really increase your profits this year. Here are ten tips to get you started.A national initiative, Small Business Saturday encourages customers to shop and support local community...
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It was a really wet spring here in New England. One particularly miserable, wet day had caught me unprepared. I stopped by a local retailer and was relieved to find that she had stocked some...
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