Jun 30, 2009
Local woman on mission to “offer Tennessee products” at all state parksBy TheLeafChronicle.com

Shirley Knight is on a mission – and she has already been partially successful.

The Dover woman, who has already mounted a successful initiative to have the Kentucky State parks sell locally-produced products rather than things made in China, is on a campaign to get the Tennessee State Parks to sell locally produced arts, crafts, photos, etc.

Knight’s efforts began in early 2008 when she was a regular visitor to bingo games at Barkley Lodge.

Going into the gift shop, she noticed that all of the “Kentucky” items were made in China.

Knight wrote to the governor but got no response.

A month later she ran into a representative from the governor’s office and she reiterated her concern.

He took up the cause, and eventually she was told that in 2009, only local items would be offered for sale. They would be offered on consignment, which benefits the crafter while also keeping park overhead down.

In fact, he initially ordered 65 tiles from local photographer Martha Yanchyshyn, and he has since ordered 100 more, said Knight. John and Angela Elliott’s books containing photos of eagles are being sold in Kentucky as well.

Knight then took on Tennessee.

A glitch in the Tennessee effort arose when she found that the woman responsible for buying items to sell in the Tennessee State Parks has been laid off and her job eliminated; each park must now decide for itself what items to sell.

Knight has been in contact with Gary McIntyre at Paris Landing, but although he said he would do what he could, he has not yet committed to carrying local products.

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