Register for Christmasworld 2018 Today
{Sponsored} Spectacular decorations and displays for seasonal occasions enable shopping centers, retailers, towns and municipalities to inspire their visitors and customers. Christmasworld’s Premium business program will present what is possible and necessary for this in the future, in an event format spanning several days. The Premium Program will be bringing together international sector experts on concept decorations in commercial enterprises, shopping centers municipalities and urban spaces, as well as innovative designers and decoration agencies, at Christmasworld 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany (26 to 30 January 2018). The exclusive sector meeting place, with top-class lectures, workshops, guided tours of the fair, and opportunities for international networking, will be taking place in the Premium Lounge in Hall 11.0 – with direct access to the product world of the leading international trade fair for festive and seasonal decorations, which includes lighting innovations and trends. Tickets are available at