Things to Consider: Supporting Local Causes By Jess Schmidt

{Sponsored} Does your business support local causes? Kay Berry has found community engagement, specifically through the support of local causes, to be a valuable tool. As local businesses find themselves fighting more than ever for local customers, being engaged in your community is one way to keep local customers shopping with you.

Why should your company support local causes?

  1. Employees will be proud to work for a company that supports local causes. In this way, you can increase employee morale and make them feel like they’re working for a greater good. Happy employees make customers happy, and happy customers are more likely to keep coming back.
  2. Supporting a cause in your local community is great word-of-mouth advertising. A personal referral is the strongest reason for someone to shop with you.
  3. Increase the positive public opinion of your company. You’ll be able to attract conscientious new employees and retain the excellent ones you already have. You’ll also be seen as a business who gives back.
  4. In some cases, businesses can use the donations as a tax deduction. Track the value of what you’ve donated throughout the year, and keep good records in order to claim this deduction.

How do you begin to support a local cause?

The first step is to seek out a cause that mirrors your company’s values and goals.

  1. Search for a local organization that benefits a cause that is close to your heart.
  2. Support education and growth for the community, whether this is a benefit for a school group or scout troop or other organization that helps individuals grow.
  3. Find a walk for a cure. Choose a disease that has impacted you or your employees personally.

Next, decide what type of support you will offer.

  1. Donate a popular product from your store to a silent auction.
  2. Donate show samples to the organization of your choice. Kay Berry frequently donates show samples to the local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store at the conclusion of shows.
  3. Have a benefit day at your shop. For a set period of time, donate a percentage of your sales to that organization. The organization will help you advertise, but you can also put the information in your circulars or advertise on your social media pages.
  4. Choose an item that reflects the organization. For example, if you’ve chosen a benefit for mothers, donate a garden stone that says “ Mothers plant the seeds Mothers plant the seeds… stone from Kay Berryof love that bloom forever.”
  5. Donate to local families of fallen soldiers. Kay Berry donates memorial stones to service members lost in combat and police and firefighters lost in service. They also donated memorial stones to NYC firehouses after Sept. 11.
  6. Many organizations sell coupon books as fundraisers. Place a coupon in the book in order to benefit the organization and advertise at the same time.
  7. Intentionally work with, and buy from, vendors who also go out of their way to support local charities. Your next step is to begin planning. How will you support local causes this year?

Kay Berry is the industry’s leading supplier of garden and memorial stone products. To learn more about how we can serve you and your customers, visit us at or call 1-800-426-1932. 

© 2018 Kay Berry

Jess Schmidt

Jess brings a creative writing degree and over 16 years of professional writing experience to her role as content marketer for the Great American Media Services and SmartSolutions teams. With her additional background in the design world, she works with clients to make their brand stories stand out. Her specialties are thought leadership, compelling descriptive language and marketing strategy. She moonlights as a contributing writer with Gift Shop Plus from time to time.

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