Peer Perspective: Linda Thomas, Alexandria Zootique
Alexandria Zootique | Alexandria, Louisiana
How long has the Alexandria Zoo been open?Since 1971 when my first cousin opened it
How long have you been working with?7 plus years in the shop; almost 40 years as a volunteer.
Do you have any current exhibits or zoo animals that are a big hit? [We have] river otters and white tigers.
What type of items are available in the gift shop that reflect your popular exhibits/animals? Gorgeous plush white tigers from Douglas and plush river otters from K&M International; mini block animals from Adventure Planet; onesies and tutus from Sarah Katy; Let’s Zoo That t-shirts from Merle Daniels, jewelry from Phillips International; and organic t-shirts from Jim Morris company.
How big is the gift shop? 900 square feet.
What’s the next five years look like for the zoo? Continued growth and expansion!