GHTA accepting nominations for the Chad Corzine Young Gift & Home Executive Award
The Gift and Home Trade Association (GHTA) is calling for nominees for the Chad Corzine Young Gift & Home Executive Award 2023.
The industry lost a dear friend to many when Chad Corzine passed away in 2021. Corzine cofounded Young Gift Executives (YGE) in 2014 with the intent to give a voice to young industry leaders without a seat at the table.
YGE merged with GHTA in 2015 and as a result saw an influx of young executives attending conferences, becoming board members and becoming vocal leaders in our industry. Without YGE’s start, the young leaders in the industry may not have the voice, GHTA said.
The third annual Chad Corzine Young Gift & Home Executive of the Year will honor Corzine’s name and recognize an up-and-coming executive in the industry.
According to GHTA, the Chad Corzine Young Gift & Home Executive of the Year will be awarded to an individual who demonstrates the following qualities:
• A passion for the industry
• A passion for their business
• One recognized as a future leader in this industry
• Under the age of 35
Nomination Forms can be found and submitted here.
Nominations must be completed by July 31. Nominees do not need to be a current member of GHTA and may belong to any vendor, rep or allied group in the industry.
The winner will be announced and the award presented during the GHTA 2023 Conference in San Antonio, Texas, on Sept. 27-29.
2022 Recipient: Chelsea Peabody Bohannon, IMC
2021 Recipient: Ryan Lanzel, Fire & Pine