Dec 5, 2011
MHS Licensing Launches New Brand: mamasana

MHS Licensing is pleased to announce the introduction of an inspiring new brand; mamasana™. Created by two busy moms who make sure to find time for yoga, mamasana™, is a contemporary concept that embraces the calm amidst everyday chaos and reflects the need every mama has to find the yoga in her life. A clever word play including the suffix, “asana,” yoga-speak for “pose,” mamasana (pronounced “ma-MA-sana”) is a light-hearted take on standard yoga poses applied to the activities of daily life. The designs offer a positive reminder to use yoga off the mat: focusing to remain on task, building the strength to hoist small children, maintaining a sense of humor, and acknowledging the universal breath that keeps us all going. The concept asserts that there is a pose to help ‘celebrate’ everyday life and begs the question, “What is your mamasana™?”

The brand includes 12 different mamasanas, with sly descriptions such as soccermamasana (Tree Pose): “Requires the focus and core strength to multitask. Variations include the juggling of dance lessons, football practice, and piano recitals.” Also happyhourmamsana, (Camel Pose): “To be practiced in celebration of a week well posed, preferably on Friday afternoon with friends,” and supermamasana (Locust Pose): “Faster than the internet, more powerful than a smart phone, able to leap carpool lines in a single bound. Accessorize with stylish cape.”

The collection is targeted to all women ages 20-50 who lead busy lives. Actively practicing yoga is not a requirement for women to appreciate the brand. MHS anticipates initiating the licensing program with apparel, stationery, and gifts. “After a combined 20 years of practice and teaching and a mutual appreciation for what the principles of yoga can do for the harried Mom, mamasana™ seemed like a very natural way for us to reflect the benefits in today’s world,” says Lori Lichtman-Sander, co-founder of the brand. MHS will be launching the brand at the Atlanta Gift Show in January, 2012. Marty Segelbaum, President of MHS Licensing states, “We are very pleased to be working with mamasana™ and have already received very positive feedback by the target audience. We believe the humor and message resonate well with the female consumer.”

For more information on the properties MHS Licensing represents, visit their comprehensive website featuring thousands of images available for licensing at MHS Licensing is one of the nations leading licensing and consulting agencies specializing in representing popular artists and advising manufacturers in the search, evaluation and acquisition of new properties and personalities.

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