Jul 1, 2020
Share Your Story: Simply Say

This online greeting card business shares how it is coping with the current retail climate

With so many retailers facing similar challenges right now, we encourage you to Share Your Story so we may share your story and help other independent retailers.

Greeting cards for any occasion are offered at Simply Say, an online retailer specializing in cards for all of life’s events. Gary Burmbi of Simply Say detailed information on how this business is adjusting to the COVID-19 retail climate. Logo of Simply Say, an online greeting card retailer

How have you transitioned your selling strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic?

We have struggled as our printers were closed for the duration of the CB; however, we are now back open and able to print cards.

What special services, such as curbside pickup or delivery, have you implemented?

During the CB we modified our product to allow our customers to receive a PDF version of their card which they were then able to print for themselves; not ideal but still allowed our customers to engage with our product.

How are you reaching out to customers during this crisis?

Through Instagram posts, word of mouth and returning customers.

What is the most requested item in your inventory right now?

Birthday Cards.

What helpful tips would you like to share with other retailers during these unprecedented times?

Maintain a positive mindset and think about adapting to help the customers to continue to engage with your product.

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