Gift and Home Trade Association secures Will Bowen as keynote speaker for annual conference
The Gift and Home Trade Association (GHTA) announced the keynote speakers for its Annual Conference to be held online Nov. 3-4, 2021.
Keynote Speaker
Will Bowen will be the keynote speaker at the virtual Annual Conference in November. Will Bowen is the author of A Complaint Free World: How to help transform staff, executives, and yourself to break chronic complaining habits and succeed. In 2006, Will Bowen challenged a handful of people to try and break the habit of chronic complaining by going 21-days-in-a-row without uttering a single complaint.
That simple idea exploded into a worldwide movement of more than 13 million followers and has been featured on Oprah, NBC’s Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, the ABC Evening News, Dr. Oz, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, People magazine, O magazine, and Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Maya Angelou called Will Bowen one of her “great spiritual heroes” and she provided the forward for Will’s number one international bestselling book, A Complaint Free World – How to Stop Complaining and Start Living the Life You Always Wanted, which is now required reading for employees, executives, and leaders around the world.
Other Speakers
Additional speakers, including more keynote speakers, to complete the two-day line up will be announced in the coming weeks.
Conference Details
The Conference will be held from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST, Nov. 3-4, 2021. Conference registration will open shortly and is included with GHTA Membership. For individuals interested in becoming a member, visit to take advantage of GHTA’s year-round education events, networking events and more.
GHTA is the gift and home industry’s professional trade association formed in 2000 to help vendors, sales agencies, retailers and industry affiliates who are involved in an industry that is fast changing, with the expectation of making it better together. GHTA’s mission is to create a national forum connecting industry leaders in their pursuit of ideas, innovations, and best practices to advance business progress. For more information on the Gift and Home Trade Association, visit